so... i can't bring myself to delete my xanga (i think it's just one of those wonderful high school things i just can't seem to let go of...) so i have decided the best way to keep it and not waste it or my lovely new blog...
xanga is for my sunday message re-caps... so i don't forget what i was supposed to remember. and maybe for random outbursts of favorite songs or "literature" that i need to... er... explress.
mi blog es por... oh wait, you all speak english... my blog is for random epiphanies of knowledge, great achivements/moments from my mundane life, and doctrines i grasp (or grasp at) through my quiet times... and so i can comment on everyone else's since you all know i love doing such...
i have a feeling, though, that song lyrics and page breaks (of some sort) will not disappear from either sites... to reassure any of you who might have been wondering *since i'm so sure you were*
now i should go study for my test... and sleep. both wonderful things indeed...
yes, i was DEFINITELY wondering where the lyrics and page breaks (please don't forget those!) went!!!
thats sarcasm, but i'm serious too. Its a new twist, its fun, you should try it - since you're already elite in the arena of sarcasticness.
Are you kidding? how dare you even THINK of deleting your xanga! Mine has been going strong since 7TH grade, and i'll never delete it. It might get lost over the years and into the future, but i'll let fate (or "weird") decide.
haha, yeah i needed to spice up the blog a tad.
Yeah, 7th grade, the number of days on my xanga is around 1700 or something, i have to go look...
with all this selah talk you should probably name one of your children Selah.
And i'm leaving it open to be a boy or girl, because what guy wouldn't want to be known as Selah?
haha,so like their name with selah in the middle would really be said like:
definitely could be awesome.
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