Monday, August 18, 2008

all the... small things...

so today, i walked into the student center on my first day of school. it was my first of 2 breaks and i was wanting to send a text message. i pulled out my phone expecting to have to stand up, gather my things, and walk outside to gain service. but, alas, i did not!! for before my very eyes i had 1 whole bar of service!

my joy was uncontainable and i sent the happiest text message i'd sent in a while.

on a more serious note... i got into the overview history class i needed and to my great advantage, the professor is the same professor i have for my first education class! i'm so excited... mostly because he's a oldish man with lots of stories and 30 years of high school history teaching experience. yippee!! i am so far loving all of the professors the history and education departments employ... (side note... stick around, that could very well change come 2:00)

Romans 8:28
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

"Thank you for opening up a spot in that class for me! And for providing me with reasons to be so excited about this school year! Thank you for blessing me when i trust!"



Wednesday, August 6, 2008

no fair-weathered friend...

"...and the praying that counts is the praying that's sincere. God does not want you for a fair-weathered friend." Anne of Green Gables

The tide rolled in not a breath in sight
And this town went down like the moon at night
These poor rooftops only go so high
The volume of our bodies is causing the waters to rise

Why do we cry out only when things go wrong?
How would you feel if I only sang sad songs?

The gavel slams the verdict is in
And the jury find you guilty for the things that you've done
You're scared for your life, so you turn to the Man
The Man that holds your life in the palm of His hands.
And your heart starts racing like a bullet from the gun
And you can feel it in your chest, it's affecting your lungs
This breath that you're taking's getting harder to take
Why did it take so long to wake up?

Why do we cry out only when things go wrong?
How would you feel if I only sang sad songs?

Until now
You have been facing
Everything on your own
Up till tonight

Wake up and remember
Where you came from
To get through tonight

Why do we cry out only when things go wrong?
How would you feel if I only sang sad songs?

Until now
You have been facing
Everything on your own
Up till tonight

Wake up and remember
Where you came from
To get through tonight

i love Anne... and Between the Trees... today they crossed paths in a peculiar way... well. in my mind at least.
