Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is this the main thing? My take on Christians' obsession with the Marriage Amendment

When I see comments about the essential ban on gay marriage in North Carolina (and the 29 other states that have preceded NC), I feel like a crazy person inside my head.  Here are the list of things going through my head to help you see my dilemma:
1. Marriage is between a man and a woman, that is true and right.
2. God isn't the only one who says gay marriage is wrong--can't people see that gay marriage isn't natural?  No wonder a majority of the country opposes it!
3. Wait, I have just found a slippery slope of doom!  What else in my life isn't natural?  Can the government make an amendment to prohibit me from doing those things too?
4. I am crazy. I need a nap.

That's the abbreviated version, but it's all there.  My belief in truth and my fear of giving the government power.  Giving the government power to say who can marry whom, no matter what I believe to be right or wrong, scares me.

My main problem with banning gay marriage is this-- I do not know that the US government, as set up in the Constitution, has the right to ban gay marriage.  Yes, the constitution passively gives the right to create marriage laws to the sates, but the government's involvement in marriage is almost exclusively economic in motivation and did not create nor legitimize the marriage covenant/contract.  The government must protect its citizens from 1) the government, and 2) each other.  The government is not required to protect its citizens from themselves or from the wrath of God.  Laws against abortion protect children from their parents and the government should the situation of their birth be less than ideal.  Laws against murder and rape protect people from both others and the government.  Laws against gay marriage protect insurance companies from having to give same-sex couples discounted rates.  In the current economy, I can see the wisdom in voting for an amendment to ban gay marriage for this reason.  However, I am still not convinced that the evil that is the practice of homosexuality is something the government has the right to control.  Does gay marriage infringe on the rights of others to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?"  I don't think so.  It might be annoying or infuriating, but that's not the government's problem.  Occupy Wall Street protesters annoy and infuriate me, but I don't want the government to ban them from legally protesting.  All of this to say, when thinking about this amendment (that doesn't explicitly ban gay marriage, just defines marriage as between a man and a woman) be mindful of the fact that power is being given to the government over something that God created, and even though this definition is in line with what God has set up for marriage it does not mean that the government will always protect the sanctity of marriage.

And now on to something more important and what I really wanted to say:  I am not sure that homosexuality is the big issue Christians should be rallying behind at the current moment.  This week alone I have seen far worse crimes against innocents in humanity-- rape, murder, and cure-all pills made from aborted babies.  To the homosexual couple out there saying their vows, I say "Eat your cake.  Men died for your freedom to do so without being murdered, but Jesus died for your freedom to see how wrong it is.  If your marriage is anything like a heterosexual one, it'll show you just how messed up you really are and maybe just how badly you need Him."  And then, I will buy something to support the IMJ or Wellspring, or Georgia Right To Life because Jesus died to set men free; if a couple of men want to stay in bondage, that is their choice but  I choose to fight for those who didn't get a choice.

So if Georgia gets to vote on an amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman, I will vote for it.  "Huh, crazy lady? Why?" you ask. Because I believe that is the true definition of marriage and I could not vote against the definition with a clear conscious.  But I will not be fooled--this does nothing to reach the millions of people in the US who disagree with this definition and will campaign for the rest of their lives (or move to Massachusetts) to have the right to get married.

Gay people need Jesus.  Just like my neighbors, just like my grandmother, just like my child will some day.  Telling any of them "you cannot marry someone of the same gender" is perfectly justified and right, but it is not the gospel.  We must remember that God did not choose to use the government to redeem mankind, He used Jesus.  We must not look to the government to do our work of preaching the gospel for us through laws and amendments, because they will fail miserably.  We must take the responsibility upon ourselves to say "Jesus died so that you can see your sin clearly.  Jesus died so you can clearly see His blood wash it all away.  Jesus died and rose again to conquer death--He has conquered your misguided notions as well. He will release you from the bondage of lies to the freedom of Truth." And we must say this with a smile on our face and love in our heart for those who Jesus died to save, even if they make us feel uncomfortable.

Please, be nice to me in the comments.



  1. I love you and am so proud of how you do not deny Christ and His purpose. Well said!


    Here's one site that puts the reason for disallowing homosexual marriage in an acute angle. It's not advocating hatred, but it does show a concern, or fear if you will, that we could become plagued with the rampant outbreak of diseases that has infested other countries. We have to look at all angles before just letting a select few have their way, even if it is in the pursuit of happiness. Everyone deserves love, satisfaction, joy, and a chance to feel accepted. But can a person, no matter what their sexual preference, really find all that by doing something unhealthy for them? If it hurts them in the long run, like years of excessive smoking and drinking, should it be allowed to be done in such a way (through marriage with legal/tax benefits paid by the whole) that it negatively affects many other people?

    A family member of mine has chosen (though I believe he was more or less peer-pressured into it) the "gay" lifestyle, but I don't fear him or hate him. I love and support him. I'm proud of his talents, abilities, work ethics, and personality. But I fear for his health...his life! It took him less than 5 years to contract HIV, and he wasn't one to be “slutty.” How many others, who aren't as careful, spread life altering hurt in their pursuit of happiness?

    If you think about it, two same-sex people who wanted to get married for real love - not a ploy to get governmental benefits - can still say vows before witnesses. They can still sign over power-of-health-care or give power-of-attorney or even include them in a Will, legally bestowing rights to their partner. Really, the tax break for married people isn't all that much to brag about. Really! And the separation is so much easier without the legal paperwork and red tape keeping couples together. Actually, it makes more sense to not let the government involved. Then they can't force their agenda on the union. It's actually a more free enterprise without Uncle Sam getting involved. At least, that's how i see it.

    I'm one to look more at the statistics than the emotions involved. No one likes to be told, "No!" when it's something they very much want to do, even something they feel very strongly about doing. But, when the streamline statistics show that something is not a good idea, even a good businessman knows the numbers don't lie, and goes with the more beneficial, less damaging proposal. So...make vows if you feel that strongly about someone. Promise to-have-and-to-hold-till-death parts you. By all means, ignore the health consequences, the statistics, the warnings, and the "hate mongers," and tie the knot! Force your will to move into the next revolution...but please don't make others foot the bill. (Stepping of the soap box now) Have a nice day.

  3. Here're more angles to look at, too:

    When God made man: male and female, he made them (man) in His image. Men and women are very different, but when one of each gets married, they create a complete “one" (and the two shall become one).

    This heterosexual married couple forms a whole picture of who God is... Fierce, protective, adventurous, strong, hard working, creative, leader, but also nurturing, gentle, loving, understanding, organized, captivating, beautifying, life producing, councilor and passionate, romantic love giver (among other things).

    Homosexual marriage does not provide a complete picture of the image of God. And everything created by Him should honorably demonstrate the awesome attributes of Him. In a sense, homosexual unions are a type of blasphemy because they take away from the fullness of God, and who He is. That's just the way it is.
    God deserves more honor and respect than people deserve "rights" to indulge in or pursue personal happiness.

    'Cause God rocks!

    I find it sadly funny when someone calls Christians "haters" for not wanting "Gays" to legally marry.
    It makes me think of a preschooler that says, "YOU HATE ME!" when a grown-up won't let them do something dangerous, wrong or hurtful. Though Mom or Dad has the child's best interest at heart, or even the whole family's safety in mind (No, Jr. You can't drive your little brother to his game down the interstate on your own. I don't care how many hours of driver's ed you've completed.), inevitably, the kid thinks his current happiness depends upon getting his way.

    The emotionally blind grasp at straws to feed their hunger for satisfaction, and throw fits when lectured with the facts/ reasons/ health issues/ consequences list put before them like an undesirable veggie platter.


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