Monday, September 12, 2011

all things new

My entire life completely different from what it was the last time I posted almost a year and a half ago, and I want to blog again and do things differently. I want my blog to be a creative outlet, a place to polish my writing skills (or at least use them), and a place to share with others topics and events that are important to me. Some posts might be purely intellectual and spark debate—I welcome it! Some might be more creative and create confusion or attract criticism—I need it! And some might be simply "here's what happened today and if I had a twitter I probably would have just tweeted about this, but I hope it's funny"—I'll probably abuse this category. All posts, however, will be overflowing with ellipses, m-dashes, and parenthetical notations of various sorts—deal with it. In any case, I'm re-adding my blog to my bookmarks bar in hopes that I will talk to myself less about why Gossip Girl irritates me but I'm still going to watch it or why I'll never be in shape because I hate having to shower again after I exercise. If I become obnoxious on a topic, please tell me—you're probably the only one who reads this and I want to make sure you are mildly mentally stimulated, at the least.

Until the next time I'm waiting for my husband to get home from work...


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